Es la mano que dominará el mundo

"La infancia es mucho más que la época que transcurre antes de que la persona sea considerada adulto"

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Spain. A Quantitative Analysis

  Artículo publicado en la revista Géneros. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies 10/2014; 3(3):509-529. DOI: 10.4471/generos.2014.44

Abstract:A growing number of authors have been suggesting the necessary incorporation of children in the analysis of gender violence and, specifically, in the analysis of intimate partner violence against women (IPV). Such incorporation would be relevant not only for reducing children's invisibility and vulnerability, but also for achieving a better understanding of the characteristics and dynamics of IPV. Based on these considerations, we present in this paper the results of a secondary analysis applied to the data obtained in the last Spanish Survey on Violence Against Women. The available information allows us to analyze: 1) the presence of children exposed to IPV, 2) the relationship between this presence and the probability of reporting the violence, and 3) women's perception about the parental role of the aggressors.

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